Thursday 5 December 2013

How a Facebook Application Development Company Can Help You to See Increased Profits

Are you experiencing difficulties attracting new clients to your business? If so, perhaps it’s time to update your online marketing and the advertising strategies. Even if you have several social media profiles, such as a Facebook page, a Twitter account, or a profile with Pinterest, sometimes just posting updates on these platforms is not enough. It’s time to invest in the services of the top Facebook app developers—Reach out to a professional Facebook application development company to create an app for your brand. You could start with a contest app, for instance.
Your Facebook contest app is one of the best ways to attract new clients hungry to learn more about your products and services. Consumers are looking for ways to get the best value for their money every time that they buy goods or enlist services, so inviting them to enter into your contest will spark their interest. Below are some of the reasons to consider investing in the design of a Facebook contest app.  
Deepen Customer Engagement
A Facebook page dedicated to your brand functions as a billboard driving consumers to your website, so make sure that the content is relevant to your Facebook fans. However, there is just so much that a social media profile can do. Yes, it can interest fans, but it does not mean that they are truly engaged in your brand.
This is where a contest comes into play. Running a Facebook contest through a well-developed app will help to increase customer engagement of your Facebook page by increasing the number of shares for your page. The contest app can also be posted on your other social media profiles, so that if they also have a presence on Facebook, they will visit your page.
Promote Brand Awareness
A Facebook contest app also builds and promotes brand awareness. If your contest is fun and loaded with great prizes, then your Facebook fans are sure to enter in the hopes of winning. They’ll also share your contest with their friends.
Of course, the result of solidifying customer engagement and promoting brand awareness is increased sales. By enlisting the services of an experienced Facebook application development company, they’ll be able to design the perfect app to transform potential clients and customers into profits. Look for only the best among the Facebook app developers—Enlist a company that is on the cutting edge of custom social media marketing. Get started by visiting ConvoSpark online at


Ideas for your Business Facebook App Development Project – Run a Facebook Contest!

With the number of Facebook account holders worldwide now reaching more than 1 billion people, you have every reason to take advantage of Facebook for business outreach. Aside from creating a page dedicated to your brand, invest in a Facebook app development project. But before you begin searching through the credentials of the many Facebook app development companies to handle the task, you first need to determine the type of app that will best suit your business.
There are numerous types of Facebook apps. Choose from gaming apps, utility apps, news apps, and many more. If none of these apps fit your brand well, then consider launching a Facebook contest app. Some of the benefits of having your own business contest app in Facebook include:
Instilling Loyalty in Your Customers
One of the greatest benefits of having a Facebook contest app is to demonstrate to your clients and customers just how much you value their patronage. Since the contest rewards winners, it serves as proof of the goodwill your company provides.
Encouraging Awareness of your Brand
A Facebook contest app builds brand awareness for your goods and services. This is particularly true if your app comes with a share button. The more people spread the word about your contest, the more they will become aware of your brand. Interested participants will visit your Facebook page and head to your official website for more details, bringing you more visitors and helping Google to take notice. 
Increasing the Numbers of Your Followers
An app dedicated for the contests that your company holds is the perfect means for you to collect followers and fans. This will not only apply to your Facebook page; it also covers your other social media profiles and your website, as well. Growing your community and building strong relationships with consumers should be your top priorities as a business owner – Goals that a well-developed Facebook contest app will help you achieve.
Increasing Sales
It simply follows that when more consumers are chatting about your brand online, you have more followers to your social media pages, and you have more visitors to your website, you’ll see more sales. Your website conversions will go up. The Facebook contest app is the way to bring consumers to your website door.
Running a contest a great way to use Facebook app development technology to your benefit. Make sure that the team you will select the best of the Facebook app development companies, such as ConvoSpark. Visit them online at